George Zimmerman’s Trial: A Sign that We are not all Free

“We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because whilst others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind. Mind is your only ruler, sovereign. The man who is not able to develop and use his mind is bound to be the slave of the other man who uses his mind,” Marcus Garvey

This quote, made even more explosive as some of the lyrics to Bob Marley’s ‘Redemption Song”, hits home with me every time I see social media response to incidents involving black people.

As a black person, I believe that as a race, we are not bound to agree with each other on every issue or situation. However, we can be respectful and dignified in expressing our opposing viewpoints. We should also be aware when those disagreements are planted by the media or other interests to divide us on a matter of importance to achieving progress for our people and justice for one of our own.

We become slaves to others’ whims and fancies by being misled to focus on what are essentially non-issues in a particular situation, perpetuating prejudice and being distracted so that once again our people are disgraced and robbed of what is rightfully ours.

Take for example the injustice within the George Zimmerman trial. No matter the outcome of this farce, I do not believe that justice will be achieved.

Who is on trial here?

The focus played on destroying Trayvon Martin’s character to somehow insinuate that he did not have the right to walk free in his country that is often touted as “land of the free and home of the brave” is unjust. It shows that civil rights and justice for all have not been achieved, when all you have to do to raise suspicion while walking down the street is be black.

In the media, it is often referred to as the “Trayvon Martin” trial as though it is Trayvon who is on trial and not George Zimmerman, the man who disregarded instructions not to follow or engage Trayvon and who was armed for conflict.

Preconceived notions = Justice

They always get away” he is recorded as saying on the 911 dispatch.

Who always gets away? Young boys who innocently walked to the store to get a drink and some skittles for a friend or racist murderers who use shoddy legislation to excuse unjust acts such as the killing of a black man whose only give was the colour of his skin.

I think it is the latter moreso than the former. This is the case especially, when the focus on social media is on what Trayvon was wearing, the fact that he smoked marijuana, he had a photo rocking a gold tooth, he imitates gangster poses and so on and so on.

The crazy thing about it is that some of the people on social media perpetuating these fallacies are black.

We want justice
Will this family ever see their son’s killer brought to justice?

Skin Colour a Factor in Justice

Does justice depend on what you wear, the color of your skin, what you do innocently on your free time?

Apparently it does, when we who share melanin and history with Trayvon use these things to judge him and make fun of his friend Rachel Jeantel, who was on the phone with him minutes before his murder.

Justice that is dependent on skin colour, appearance or ability to speak is not justice at all. It is injustice. The defence lawyers are doing all they can to get their client off for the heinous crime he committed.

Even going as far as implying Trayvon was armed; with the sidewalk. This is shameful. It says that Trayvon HAD TO tolerate George Zimmerman’s unjust approach and possessed no right to question his intentions. Only George Zimmerman had rights of self-defence on that night.  

As upset as this makes me what frustrates me even more, is that black people tolerate and even participate in the attack of the witness on social media for her supposed lack of credibility because of how she speaks, looks and perceived lack of intelligence (As measured by euro-centric standards).

Placing Trayvon and Rachel Jeantel’s looks under the microscope is one signal that while we have the appearance of physical and political freedom from slavery we do not yet possess the most important dimension; emancipation from mental slavery.

One day we will achieve that emancipation, but that will happen only when we start thinking for ourselves and not as others would want us to think or act.

There is neither legislation nor emancipation proclamation that can free our minds. As the great Marcus Garvey stated only our actions can release us from the most dangerous aspect of slavery.

By our own actions we will free our minds and be liberated in thought, word and action. 

Moving on from Professional Disappointment

The rush of adrenaline I feel once I am about to close on a new project or work with a new client is so powerful that once that project falls through, the disappointment I feel is palpable.

I often spend some time obsessing about whether I did something wrong and what could I have done differently. While it is great to review these failures or disappointments to learn the lesson for the future, obsessing can paralyse your progress.

I kept thinking about how I can stop obsessing over these professional disappointments and I share my lessons with you.

You don't have to let disappointment be the end of you
You don’t have to let disappointment be the end of you



Allow yourself some time to think about the disappointment. But think about what you may learn. Feel free to write the thoughts and lessons down in a journal to keep track of the progress you are making due to your experiences. The journaling and introspection helps bring healing to your emotional disappointments and release any associated stress. This release and healing allows you to move forward from the disappointment and learn the relevant lessons.

Trusted Colleague or Mentor

Have a conversation with a trusted colleague or mentor. This person may be able to identify mistakes you made that you would not see yourself or may assure you that you did not make any missteps. The truth that they shed on the situation that shows you how you can move on. A recent disappointment had me questioning whether I should even continue in my chosen profession. After a brief conversation with a colleague, in which I was able to vent my frustration, I was inspired and encouraged to pursue my dreams even more passionately.

Identify a way forward

Keeping your eye on the vision you have for your current career path, identify a way to achieve those goals in light of the lessons you have learnt from this recent disappointment. Some disappointments are a blimp on your career roadmap and would not slow the progress of your goals. However, there are some that can prove to be a real roadblock to your vision. Take some time and craft a path to achieving these goals and pursuing your passion.

Make amends if necessary

Sometimes our disappointments we endure, hurt others professionally or personally. If your disappointments had this effect on others, make relevant apologies and amends with the injured parties. This releases you from guilt that can hamper your progress and also demonstrates integrity to your professional contacts.

The progress to be made after the disappointment may not occur in one day or a short space of time but give yourself the permission to move on from professional disappointment.

A New Direction

You may have noticed a change in my blog. This has been a long time coming. My blog which started out as a place to collate all my online writings in one place grew to be a source for my thoughts on marketing and business. However, more recently the change in me personally and professionally is becoming more apparent with each post I write.

There are less marketing post and I feel led to carry the blog in a different direction, a more personal slant if you will. I recently created my company Serene Solutions (yay) and will continue more dedicated business and marketing blogging on that platform.

I finally have a chance to use this Sereneprincess blog for what I originally envisioned it for. A place to curate my writings from various places online and an avenue to share my musings and opinions on everything (I have an opinion on everything under the sun).

A change has come
A change has come

Of course, since marketing and business are passions of mine, there will continue to be marketing posts on this blog. But there is more to me than marketing and branding, so I will use this outlet to share all where life take me including poetry, writing, dance and all my interests.

This change in the blog reflects a change in my life. I am now more organised and able to manage not only my business interests but focus time and energy in all other areas of my life. I have a clearer entrepreneurial direction (even if only to me) and I am taking small, and I do mean small, steps in my dream.

I have now started on the path to achieving my goals. I realise that this path is part of the process and I am savouring the lessons and the life on this path that makes up my dream. I use this channel to share with you some of these lessons. Don’t look for a pattern, don’t look for a trend because there will be fun, insight, wisdom and all sorts here, just go along for the ride and remember to think – it is good for you.

Great thoughts on branding from entrepreneur Corey Mcclean.


At every touchpoint my opinion of you goes up or down, there is no neutral. Scott Stratten. Unmarketing

When we think of brands we immediately begin to picture the Coca Colas, Apples and Sonys of the world but brands aren’t restricted to the “big boys.” Every business has a brand whether it is created on purpose or not.

Do you know what your brand is? Not what you say it is and have neatly typed in Arial font in your marketing plan, what it is in the eyes of your customer!

If you wanted to start running as exercise what brand of shoes would you go out and buy? More than likely your response was Nike. Am I right? But Nike isn’t the first choice of the more serious athletes (I’m not referring to the “I’m paid to wear these shoes athletes.”) Take an informal survey of the 47,000…

View original post 164 more words

Resentment a by-product of enlightenment?

Recently, a friend of mine was asked the following question and relayed it to us on Facebook: “Is it true that education about the truth of one’s history not only brings enlightenment but resentment?” I felt compelled to answer with a resounding no but could not find the words to communicate my answer efficiently.

This is not the first time that I heard this statement. We are allowing the fear of something that may not happen (resentment) to close our minds and hearts to something that would drastically improve our lives (enlightenment).

I say that resentment may only happen because we have the choice. We can choose whether to let the truth sour or uplift us. I believe that no human should revel in being in darkness but always seek to find the light which is found in the truth. The truth of who we are, our purpose for being here and how we fit magically into the earthly tapestry.

Always seek to know the truth.

What enlightenment brings to life?

If we choose the path other than resentment in life, knowing the whole truth about our history will bring enlightenment as well as:

The Power of Choice

With the knowledge of all that our ancestors overcame (the good they did, the bad they suffered, the innovations they heralded and the contributions made to society), we are equipped with the choice.

Each decision we make is fully equipped with the knowledge we need to make an informed choice. We are not living a lifestyle blindly. We can choose our lifestyle, whether people agree with it or not, fully aware of how and why we are doing it and all that lead to the current culture.

Direction and meaning

With the power of choice, comes purpose and direction in any life. That is if we chose purpose-driven living as opposed to the reactionary life that is fuelled by resentment. Our meaning could be to honour the courage of our history by living an inspirational and exceptional life in career, family and community service.

Knowledge pricks the soul to act. It means we can’t just act and live like a robot. Once we are informed of the truth, we are set free to live our true purpose without forcing ourselves into a box of routine, resentment and robotic living.


Knowledge of the truth of any history engineers an appreciation for the fact that this world’s past is not all bad and all good. There is gore, injustice, racism, deception in all history. There is also innovation, brilliance, resilience and strength.

Knowledge of our true history helps us appreciate and honour the resilience of our people and all people whether or not that brilliance has been allowed to shine. Knowledge of our true history will give respect for those who survived degradation of themselves, those who fought the injustices so that ALL humans have the right and access to justice and civil liberties.

Ultimately knowledge and enlightenment will only bring these things if we choose to be proactive in how we live our lives instead of reactionary.

Knowledge and enlightenment gives us truly the power of choice. Even if we decide to live how we live currently or if we change our lifestyle, we have truly the full power of choice not just the appearance of choice and that is something we should all want for ourselves and those who come after us.

“In this bright future you can’t forget your past” Bob Marley.